Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Farming Isn't Always Fun

The week didn't start off too good.  First thing Monday morning I had to dispose of a dead calf which is never fun.  All indications are that the calf was born dead, although it looked perfectly normal.  I will never get used to removing a dead baby anything from it's mama who just doesn't understand that despite all her efforts that baby is not going to stand and nurse.  This year I had to do that with a foal, and now with a calf.  All farming activities are not fun, but that's part of it.

We sure have had a weather reprieve this week which has been super!  We finally got some much needed rain and the temps in the 70's are awesome!  I hope this trend continues for a few more days.

Farmers Markets are definitely keeping me busy...Tuesday evening in downtown Corbin, Saturday mornings at Goldbug and the newest market on Thursday evenings in Knox County.  There are plenty of opportunities for folks to purchase USDA Certified Grass Fed Beef, Natural Pork, and Free Range Chicken!  I am getting some really good feedback on the chicken.  I actually did a taste comparison this week and will be reporting my findings soon so stay tuned!  Thanks so much to all of my customers!

I hope everyone has a good rest of the week!  Til later...

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Itty Bitty

A couple of weeks after I got the meat chickens I found one of them not acting quite right.  It was acting like it didn't feel good...just laying there, not wanting to stand up.  So I brought the little chick into the house and fixed a box in the living room for it to live in.  Several weeks went by and this liitle chick stayed alive but didn't grow and was slow to be steady on it's feet.  However after a couple more weeks it began acting pretty normal although it was still tiny, and where all the other chickens were getting their feathers, this one was still covered in fuzz.  I started taking the chick outside to be with the other chickens and it would mingle with them during the day.  Any time I would go outside, this little chick, still covered in fuzz would come running as hard as it could to greet me!  Needless to say this little chick won my heart so Itty Bitty was named.  I left Itty Bitty outside in a mobile coop a couple of nights but I became afraid that the little one would get smothered because all the chickens tended to pile up in a heap.  So again, I fixed a box in the house and now Itty Bitty comes inside to sleep at night!  As long as I start before it gets too dark, all I have to do is call for him/her (hopefully her!) and Itty Bitty comes running.  If I leave the farm, upon my return, Itty Bitty greets me at my car door!  Itty Bitty loves to wander around inside the house and eat whatever she can find on the floor!  While I was recuperating from surgery, Jane would bring Itty Bitty in during the day so I would have "some chicken company!"

On Monday, John took my truck and the stock trailer to Knox Co. to pick up some shavings in preparation for loading the chicken masses that nite.  When he got there, he opened the back door of the trailer and guess what was there....Itty Bitty had hitch hiked along for the ride.  John assured me that he would make sure that Itty Bitty would have a safe return to the farm later!

I can assure you that Itty Bitty did not go to Lancaster Tuesday morning long with all the other meat chickens...although Itty Bitty has at times been referred to as Nugget LOL!!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Random Thoughts

Well tonite I did the last routine meat chicken feeding!  What a relief!  Tomorrow night the chickens will all be loaded into the stock trailer for the night in preparation for the trip to Lancaster Tuesday morning.

Good news!  The natural chicken cold medicene has definitely helped my girls (Laying Hens!)  Not near as much sneezing and watery eyes.  Whoo hoo!

I am so thankful for the much needed rain that has fallen on our farm the last couple of days.  Hopefully the grass will begin to green back up and start growing again :-)

Tomorrow starts off with a fun activity...yours truly will be talking on the radio with my friends Sandi Curd, and Rachel West and Thor Bahrman!  (99.5 KDCountry and T107 at 9:00)  We are kicking off an awesome Farmers Market Program that will allow EBT participants to receive $10 extra farmers market dollars when they spend $10 at every market they attend.  We are already doubling the value of all WIC and Sr Farmers Market Vouchers!  This helps so many people in so many ways.  I just wish more people would take advantage of it.

I REALLY need to get back on my horse!

Good evening friends!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Back To Work

Hello friends!

Today was my first real day back to work and it was a doozy!  I spent the better part of yesterday getting the splints removed from my nose.  Boy was that not a fun process but it was quick and the relief was immediate.  I won't elaborate any further here :-)

Ya'll are probably getting tired of hearing about chickens but they seem to be taking up a good bit of my efforts lately.  Many of my chickens have colds :-(  So what is a chicken cold like you might ask?  Well, it is much like a human cold...they sneeze, have runny noses, puffy eyes, and make these gurgley noises like they need to blow their noses!!!!  I wish I was kidding but I'm not.  I am trying to treat them with a natural remedy that is in no way harmful, but if I can't get it under control I might have to resort to antibiotics.  I won't use antibiotics on the meat chickens.  If I do have to go this route on the laying hens I will of course be withholding the eggs the required amount of time.  I really don't want to do this but I hate it that my girls aren't feeling good :-(  Of course they aren't laying good right now because they don't feel good and that is really not good!  I'll keep you posted!

Tonite John and Bryce went to the Knox County Farmers Market for the second week and although John thought the crowd was much less than last week sales were actually better!  That could be due in part to the fact that I am fully stocked up on beef items right now :-)  I suggest that everyone stock up on their favorite cuts!  We will continue going to the Knox County market on Thursdays!

I attended my monthly Whitley County Cattlemen's Association meeting tonite.  There was a representative there from the Kentucky Cattlemen's Association.  It was a thought provoking meeting for sure.  The national beef industry as a whole is struggling to regain their market share of meat sales.  Let's face it, beef really got a bad wrap a few years back and it is my job as a Cattleman to help regain public trust and correctly educate the buyers as to the merits of beef.  I am actually working through a national program online to become a Master of Beef Advocacy.  Where I struggle is that I choose to provide beef that is very unconventionally raised and fills the needs of a niche market that I truly believe in.   That doesn't mean that I think beef raised in more conventional ways is all bad.  I am working to come to terms with all this.  Actually I am even wondering if I can really help the beef industry (in my small, local way) more than they or I realize.  I am planning on calling the Kentucky Cattlemen's Association soon to discuss this!

The horse shoer was here today putting new shoes on Sender, Twister and Blue!  This happens every 6 weeks.  They are ready to go and I need to be riding more!

If I don't post tomorrow I will be at the Whitley County Farmers Market on Saturday morning at the extension office in Goldbug!

Happy farming!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Chicken Countdown....

It's only one week....that's seven days...until the meat chickens go to be processed!  Can you tell that I am looking forward to it?!  This chicken adventure has been much tougher than I thought it would be, but I am planning to prevail!  WE WILL HAVE CHICKEN FOR SALE AT THE WHITLEY COUNTY FARMERS MARKET IN CORBIN ON TUESDAY, JULY 8th!!!!

Jane left tonite and I was sure sad to see her go :-). Not only is she the BEST sister in the whole world, she is also the hardest worker that I know.  She kept all my chores done all week which is no easy task and I feel so caught up right now that I am almost scared to go outside and mess things up!  I am truly blessed to have her!  She will be returning next Monday night so she can help load the chickens and should be with me at the market in Corbin on Tuesday :-). Then we are actually leaving Wednesday to go on a small vacation to visit some family in South Carolina!

So...John is planning on taking the trailer to the Barbourville Farmers Market again this Thursday night.  He and Bryce did well there last Thursday :-). I can't go because I have a Whitley County Cattlemens Meeting to attend.  Then I plan on being back at the Goldbug market on Saturday morning.  Then Corbin on Tuesday night!

I hope everyone comes out and gets their USDA CERTIFIED GRASS FED BEEF for the holiday!  I am picking up a steer tomorrow so I will be fully stocked up on all cuts!

And did I mention the chicken.....